University (KU)
92294 Klaipėda
Phone: (8 46) 39 89 94 / 39 89 93
E-mail: studentu.priemimas@ku.lt
Website: https://www.ku.lt/

Lithuanian Academy
of Music and Theater (LMTA)
01110 Vilnius

Mykolas Romeris University (MRU)
Admissions Committee:
Address: Ateities str. 20, room IV-201,
08303 Vilnius
Phone: 8 686 17 431
E-mail: priemimas@mruni.eu Website: https://www.mruni.eu/en/
Faculty of Public Security:
Address: Maironio st. 27,
44211 Kaunas
Phone: (8 37) 30 36 47
Email: vsfpriemimas@mruni.eu
Admission rules
Second cycle (Master’s) study programmes are designed to prepare students for independent scientific/artistic or other type of work that requires scientific knowledge and analytical skills. Master’s degree programmes lead to a Master’s qualification degree or a Master’s degree and qualification in the relevant group of fields of study, as evidenced by a Master’s diploma.
Admissions to the Master’s programme are open to students who have completed undergraduate university and college studies and who meet the requirements set by the university. The university may also require additional studies if the first cycle (undergraduate) study programme was in a field of study other than the one the student intends to study, or if the person has not had any professional experience relevant to the field of study after graduating from the college.
Admissions to the Master’s programme are subject to the procedure laid down by the higher education institution. Admissions to master’s and professional studies will be carried out through the LAMA BPO Joint Admissions Information System by the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (Master’s studies only), Klaipėda University (Master’s and professional studies) and Mykolas Romeris University (Master’s and professional studies).
Applications for Master’s programmes at other higher education institutions are made directly through the information systems of the higher education institutions. Master’s courses are available at all university-type higher education institutions, both public and private. For more information on admissions to Master’s studies, please visit the websites of relevant higher education institutions.
European Humanities university (EHU)
The General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania (LKA)
ISM University of management and economics (ISM)
Kaunas University of Technology (KTU)
Kazimieras Simonavičius university (KSU)
LCC international university (LCC)
Lithuanian Sports University (LSU)
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU)