Admissions 2025
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Higher education admissions:

Frequently Asked Questions
General information
I want to study arts sciences. Do I have to take entrance exams?
Consult LAMA BPO website to see how many entrance examinations you have to sit to be eligible for state funded places on art sciences programmes.
I have received an offer to study, however, I am outside Lithuania. Can I authorise a representative to conclude a study contract with the higher education institution? Do I need to issue a notarized Letter of Authorization?
Yes, a contract with a higher education institution can only be signed by a person holding a notarized Letter of Authorisation. Please note that some higher education institutions offer the possibility of concluding the study contract electronically.
I have lost my user ID and / or password.
No problem, you can recover your user ID and/or password by going here.
What is the minimum and maximum number of course preference I can list in Main round application?
In Main round application, you have the option to list from one to nine course preferences.
How many study offers can I receive?
In each admissions round you can receive only one offer to study.
International students
I have completed secondary school education outside Lithuania and I wish to study in Lithuania. What steps do I have to take?
To apply to Lithuanian universities/colleges you have to:
1. contact the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education (hereinafter referred to as the SKVC) for recognition of international education qualifications and assessment of subject equivalence (contact details: A. Goštauto g. 12, Vilnius, tel. (+370 5) 210 4772, email;
2. take a Lithuanian language test if the language of instruction of your preferred course is Lithuanian (unless you have a proof of Lithuanian language proficiency issued by a competent institution);
3. submit your application in our online system;
4. take the entrance examination (if required for your preferred study programmes);
5. attach copies of required documents to your application by the indicated deadline.
Am I eligible to apply for a state funded place at a university/college if I have completed secondary school education outside Lithuania?
International students from outside Lithuania can be admitted to state funded places in Lithuanian universities/colleges or apply for scholarships via a competitive admission process in the manner laid down in the law and provided that they are:
1. citizens / family members of the citizens of the Republic of Lithuania or other countries in the European Union and the European Economic Area;
2. non-EU/EEA nationals or stateless persons holding a permanent Lithuanian residence permit;
3. Lithuanians living abroad.
If the above criteria are not satisfied, foreign nationals and stateless persons are accepted to universities/colleges via a competitive admission process to study at their own expense.
I am a Lithuanian living abroad and I want to apply to a Lithuanian university/college. Can I get an additional point? What proofs do I have to submit?
One supplementary point is awarded to Lithuanians living abroad if they have lived or studied abroad for at least three years. To get one supplementary point you have to submit a letter/certificate issued by a competent institution (embassy, community of Lithuanians, etc.) or any other document certifying your Lithuanian origin and a document issued by a competent institution (school, municipality, embassy, etc.) certifying that you have lived abroad for at least three years. The above documents must be written in Lithuanian, English or Russian. However, if these documents are in another language, please upload certified full translations of the documents into Lithuanian, English or Russian.
Submission of documents
I have completed the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP). What documents are required to apply to Lithuanian universities/colleges?
First, on LAMA BPO website click International Baccalaureate Diploma holder. Use the Certificate of Graduation and Supporting Documents section to upload your diploma recognition decision issued by the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education (SKVC) and a copy of your IB diploma and transcript.
I have taken an international language test. What shall I submit to have it included in the competitive score?
In the LAMA BPO Joint Admissions Information System click International Language Test and upload a copy of the certificate.