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Teacher training

Teacher training is a seamless system involving studies for a teaching qualification and teacher’s professional development, which starts with a teaching traineeship and continues throughout a person’s active teaching career, as they develop and deepen their professional competences. Teacher training is organised using both concurrent and consecutive models.

Under the concurrent model, a teaching qualification is obtained in one of the following ways:

  • completing a university or college undergraduate degree programme in the field of pedagogy, which includes a module in pedagogy studies. Graduation from the study programme leads to a bachelor’s or professional bachelor’s degree in education and a teaching qualification;
  • completing a module in pedagogy alongside a university or college undergraduate non-pedagogy degree programme. The studies lead to a bachelor’s or professional bachelor’s degree in the main field of study and a teaching qualification.

Applications for concurrent model study programmes, which are undergraduate programmes, are made through the LAMA BPO Joint Admissions Information Systeml (JAIS) (

Under the consecutive model, admissions to one-year vocational training programmes are open to those who already hold at least an undergraduate qualification degree. Applications for vocational study programmes are made directly to higher education institutions following their own procedures.

Teaching qualifications can also be obtained in accordance with the procedures laid down by law, including the recognition of competences acquired through teaching practice and/or non-formal education.

For more information on teacher training, click here:

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